No sketching done recently so I'll have to cheat by posting a drawing done last summer (came across it again while doing a spot of spring cleaning). I'd like to mention that my mate Paul Farrell and his band
Moebius have released their single "Black Sheep of the Family" back in Ireland (entering at no.28 in the charts).
They played a concert on Jan 31 to promote the release in which my best mate
Dave Connolly lent a helping hand and played bass for the night.
I never find pears like this when I do spring cleaning!So cute!
great job..
I admire your designs..
PEARLS PEARLS not pears..darn English..sorry for that typing mistake!I'm sure you understood anyway!;)
pobreciita ovejiita...por suerte! cuando se le termine la hierba,es posible,que huya hacia un lugar donde pueda correr y saltar sin parar!
como mola tio!
Thanks for the comments everyone!
Hi Bibi! Pearls! That's funny, I thought that it was a translation from Italian because in spanish there's some sayings with pears! Thanks! :)
Hi Dam, thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.
Hola Aleix! Merci! Hauriem de quedar per anar a menjar croissants de xocalata en la Fleca Balmes !YUM!
Hellou Daveee!!!
How r ya doin, mannn?
Está muy bonito el dibujo, aunque me recuerda a los pisos en Barcelona:
Chicos, altos sin ascensor, y encima la pobre oveja estará pagando 950 € por estar en buena zona... jajaja
Un saludo!!
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