This one is for
Victor who recently complained (and rightly so!) about the lack of colour in the blog. When sketching I'm lucky if I have time to put some tones in there, so putting colour is another thing. Although this isn't what he meant maybe it'll get him off my back for awhile!
Hey Dave!
Como ya te comenté, yo no echaré de menos el color en tu blog siempre que el nivel de los bocetos sea tan bueno como hasta ahora.
Por cierto, el sábado que viene puede que salga ha dibujar con mi amigo, si puedes y te apetece dime algo, OK!?!?
Keep it up!
Estoy agradecido de que me hicieras algo de caso. La verdad es q esta muy chulo y le da un poco de alegria al blog. ¡Queremos más!
Hola EclecticBox! Gracias por tu comentario. Me apetece mucho ir a dibujar con vosotros pero no puedo este fin de semana. Ya organizamos algo por otra fecha. Un saludo
Hola Victor! Gracias por el consejo, ya veas que te hago caso. Ahora solo hace falta que pongo cosas de zombies, institutos y tetas como tu ultima entrega!!!
good one. like your line quality. Edgy and flowing at the same time.
dude, Im loving your sketches! nice style.
Hey you didn't happen to work on Nocturna did you?
Hi Justdoodleit! Thanks for the comment, enjoyed looking at your blog, your bird studies are amazing.
Hi Ken, thanks for the kind words, great to have a visit from from the grumpy dragon avator, love that painting. ( no, I didn't work Nocturna, think at the beginning some of the project was going to go to Scotland , not sure if that finally happened. Did you work on it?)
Hey dave, glad ya like the grumpy dragon!
as for Nocturna - yes it was meant to worked on in Scotland. One of my current workmates was meant to work on it, but then things fell through and it was eventually produced in Spain I think!
Yeah, it was done in Madrid and Barcelona, just wasn't sure if any eventually ended up in Scotland. Thanks for stopping by again. Cheers!
Hi Dave!
Thanks, i'm happy you visit my blog because I love your works and sketeches.
Animal's sketches are beautiful, i like the line so much!
Bye ^^
Say Dave, thanks for the comment on my stuff. Fantastic sketches you have here; I like all the black and white! No color to hide the fabulous drawings; it's courageous and inspiring. I'd like to do a sketch-only blog, but I fear my line isn't quite as nice as yours and I'm not crazy about public drawing. Keep going! It's very nice work.
good job, dave!! :D
Buenísimos bocetos Dave! Respecto a lo de los zombies y las tetas... ánimo!!!
Hi Jeff, thanks for the kind words!
Hi Grig! thanks for stopping by.
Hola Roger! tengo mucho tiempo libre estos dias pero...ya lo veremos...
un saludo!!
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